So as will be completely clear from the paucity of material in this blog, I'm just not a natural blogger. I do still keep a journal. Inspired by Graeme "Boogie" White when I was a student, I've had one since 1982-ish. Some years are good for journal writing, some are poor. I went through an electronic phase in the early 90's which was a disaster. I've got chunks of journal on an old Psion organiser that I can't get off. And more on an old laptop with a dud battery that's forgotten the password. In 2005 I went back to notebook (of the paper kind) and pen, and it's gone well. But that is different from this. Is anyone ever really honest in a blog? We all have stuff that we would be completely mortified for anyone else to know. Or have I just let out a big secret that only I have? So sorry if you (if you exist) thought that you were going to read my most intimate thoughts and rants. That's the point about them, they're intimate; not for public consumption. So a lot of diary, not much blog. But I've got far more important stuff to feel guilty about.
Wow. There is life!
There is no way that one can be totally honest, at least not if you want to continue working and living with people. Leave that for the paper journal. I have actually gone back to this as well. It makes more sense in processing thoughts and ideas. Well done for keeping it up since '82!
Welcome back! It was a bit of a shock seeing not one, but two blog entries!
Can't help you with the Psion, but I recently extracted the hard disk from an old laptop (Windoze 95, so it must be at least seven years old) and stuck it in an external box which I bought at a computer shop for £12. This allows it to be used as an external USB hard disk. I got all the data off it that I thought I'd lost. It might be worth a try. I'd hate to think your thoughts were lost for ever! :-)
...should have added, that as well as recovering my data, I now have a handy portable USB disk drive into the bargin!
Having kept a daily journal since ... 19(OMG)57 ... I have to say that I've never been entirely straightforward there either - just in case someone read it. What does that make me as a blogger?
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